Dr. Chin has 10 plus years of VASER liposuction experience.
This new technology is liposuction and “body sculpturing” performed utilising ultrasound wave energy to break down the fat. This is less traumatic than the traditional liposuction and involves a lighter anaesthesia. It has been claimed and promoted as the answer to “office based” or “lunch hour” liposuction with local anesthesia in North America.
Dr. Chin however prefers to perform this procedure under a light general anaesthesia and as a day case in a registered day hospital. This is a very useful tool in the right hands and takes body sculpturing to a new level. This technology is extremely useful producing excellent results in stubborn fat collection areas in the body that is difficult to produce a good result with the traditional liposuction or even open surgery lipectomy (fat excision) e.g. under the chin, saddle bags, upper lateral chest and upper medial arms. The ultrasonic energy also produces a “thermage” side effect to the dermis, tightening the skin (dermis). This is a pleasant side effect, in contrast with the conventional liposuction resulting in loose skin instead.
The advantages are minimal or no bruising, smooth even contours and skin tightening in area treated with this new technology.
To discover more about the VASER liposuction and to speak with Dr. David Chin, please call Advanced Plastic Surgery on (07) 3871 3330 to book a consultation.